Monday, February 14, 2011

Things I...


  • Diet Coke. Happy Hour after class at Sonic? I think so.
  • Brooke Dore'. We actually call each other BFF, so mock us in our middle school ways. BFF. That's what we are. I went to Stillwater to see her this weekend, and it was magical. Getting to see her is something I need to do more often.
  • Capitol Hill church of Christ. I realize I talk about it a alot, but come on. Worshipping God, loving people, and playing with kids. What could be better?
  • The weather right now. HELLO? We had snow days last week, and now we played outside last night at church and I am wearing rolled jeans.
  • That brings up something else I love. Rolled jeans and converse tennis shoes.
  • Honestly the most comfortable thing to wear in the world. And it means it is almost spring. Ish. (Please note that the picture is taken under the table during my A&P class... That is honestly where most of my blogs get written. It's just what I do.
  • I love Spring Sing.... I mostly love Spring Sing. I love being with my friends in Gamma, and I love getting to dance around like a precious Mouse. We are cute. Just you wait.
  • SweetTart Hearts. They will be on clearance post-Valentines day. Yes.
  • My Valentine, Suzanna. She gave me a precious card with Ezra from PLL on it, and she gave me candy and a headband. Score. I feel like Valentines Day gets a bad rap- I got a watch, a headband, candy, cupcakes, a movie. This holiday is fine with me!

  • Chocolate. Easy as that.
  • Vegetables, because I am a 5 year old. I just can't handle them.
  • When I sleep through classes. Or sleep in classes. Both of those are terrible. It is obnoxious how often both of those happen.
  • My Anatomy class. I actually love my teacher, ish, but this class. TERRIBLE.
  • The movie Gummo.
  • Honestly. Not even terrible in the "super funny but you feel terrible about watching it" kind of way. Like I. Hate. This. Movie. Gah.
I am doubting even publishing this post because it is so. Blah. That is what this class does to me.

Challenge for you from the chapel speaker today: Be free in Jesus. Know that you have that freedom and live your life like that this week.

Have a great day.

PS- If you were in chapel today, I apologize about our announcement.... Funny but terrible. That's my only defense.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh gosh.

Oh hey there, 3:24 am.

What's up?
I haven't seen you in a while.

Actually, that is not true. That is anti-true. So false, i guess.

The past 2 weeks are a gigantic, cold, sweatpants and long socks filled blur.
We have had like 10 feet of snow. 10 or 2. whatever. Gah. I have had enough. It is actually terrible at this point. For those of you who don't know, I like to drive fast. Can't do that on the snow! I also like to wear chacos and be tan. Neither of those are happening either, mostly because the sun is not shining, and I like having toes instead of frost-bitten nubs. This snow has got to go. Come to me, 105 degree weather. I will take you with joy.

The only good thing that could ever come from snow is snowpocolypse activities.
I stayed at my friend Lee's house with s handful of my dear friends. We watched 16 movies, yes 16, and we ate, and we slept, and then ate and slept some more. We played in the snow for all of 17 minutes, and I fell off the sled and rolled backwards down the hill. Embarrassing? I think so. Ah, well, se la vie. (I think that is close to French for That is life, but it might not be. I got it from a Pretty Little Liars episode). I mean, the whole thing was awesome, but I was ready to be back in my bed as opposed to sleeping on Lee's couch. Again.

I thought the weather was going to be kinder.
But nooooo.
This week there was more snow.
I know, right?
I was slightly more productive though. Cupcakes were baked, crafts were made, and homework was completed, all in one snow day. That is more than I can say for the aforementioned hiatus at the Branch Ranch.

And that brings me to now.
Well, that brings me to now, which is a day later than then. Hahaha. This blog post will amuse me for now, but when people are reading it in the day I probably haven't a chance of making any sense to anyone.

Oh tonight. I came back to the lobby of my dorm to absolute chaos. KAY-OSS.
I can't really write about it, since my mom reads my blog (hi, mom) and also I don't want incriminating things released to the internet, but RING A LING LING was yelled, curse words were screamed, and cackles of laughter were released by all. I love the girls I live with. So much. But just know that the lobby of a dorm brings strange truths to life.

Now it is 3:37, and Hal, Cal, Logan, and Kendall are shortly leaving for Nash-Vegas. I hope you are reading this via iPhone on your car trip later today, and be safe ya little hooligans.

Goodnight, or rather goodmorning, friends. I hope God blesses your life in awesome and unexpected ways today.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Duces, January.

And here comes February.

What I have done this month thus far:

  • Didn't go to bed till 5 am.
  • Woke up this morning at 11:00 ish to the smell of bacon and the knowledge that pancakes were being cooked.
  • I am watching my third movie of the day.
  • There is just piles of blankets and pillows and people that are my friends.
  • Watched the snow. Oh the snow. THE. SNOW. Snowpocolypse. Snowagedon. Call it what you must. It is insanity.
That is about it. I mean, I know it is just the first of the month, but by the looks of things we will be doing the same thing for a few days.

And now I will return to my regularly scheduled activities of eating, movie watching, game playing, and more eating.